Islamic Education Characters Model
Based On Distance Learning
Asep Habib Idrus Alawi
STAI Shalahudin Al-Ayubi Jakarta
Abstract: This research is based on the needs of the Islamic character education model, as the demands of the conditions and situation of education in Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is because the education paradigm in Indonesia makes face-to-face learning a necessity. Plus, the mastery of technology both teachers and students is still very limited. Conditions like this have resulted in new concerns, related to the achievement of learning objectives that were formulated, specifically character education. The results of this research state that the Islamic character education model can use reflective models and rational development learning models. While the development of the model can use the ADDIE model that is a design model with stages that contain Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation.
Keywords: Model, Education, Islamic Character, Distance Learning
Jurnal#8 – H. Asep H I A