Category Archives: Jurnal

Jurnal#4 – H. Asep H I A


(Studi SD IT Asy Syifa Kota Bandung)

Asep Habib Idrus Alawi

STAI Shalahuddin Al Ayyubi Jakarta

Strengthening of the character education constitute of effort is very important for achieving national education goals. The character of education must be instilled early and will be the main foundation for the formation of national character. Considering importance of character education, educators must make efforts to introduce and develop character of education for students. One form of effort to strengthen the character of students in school is through ways of habituating noble character.

This Study purpose to identify about: Program to strengthen character education in elementary schools through the habituation of noble character. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods, data collection is done by observation, interviews, and documentation studies. Data analysis was carried out by stages of data inventory, classifying data, analyzing data, and formulating conclusions.

The results of this study indicate that: The program for reinforcement of the character education at Adzkia 1 Elementary School Cisaat and Cisaat Public Elementary School in Sukabumi Regency is by integrating the learning process by habituating noble moral values in daily life;

Penguatan pendidikan karakter merupakan upaya yang sangat penting untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan nasional. Pendidikan karakter harus ditanamkan sejak usia dini dan akan menjadi fondasi utama bagi pembentukan karakter bangsa. Mengingat pentingnya pendidikan karakter tersebut, maka pendidik harus melakukan upaya untuk mengenalkan dan mengembangkan pendidikan karakter bagi peserta didik. Salah satu bentuk upaya untuk menguatkan karakter peserta didik di sekolah adalah melalui cara pembiasaan akhlak mulia.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi tentang: Program penguatan pendidikan karakter di sekolah dasar melalui pembiasaan akhlak mulia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif, pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan tahapan menginventarisir data, mengklasifikasikan data, menganalisis data, dan merumuskan simpulan.

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa : Program penguatan pendidikan karakter di SD IT Asy Syifa Kota Bandung adalah dengan pengintegrasian proses pembelajaran dengan pembiasaan nilai-nilai akhlak mulia dalam kehidupan sehari-hari; Temuan penting dari penelitian ini adalah pembiasaan akhlak mulia yang dilaksanakan di sekolah dasar merupakan model yang efektif untuk menguatkan karakter peserta didik.

Jurnal#3 – H. Asep H I A

Asep Habib Idrus Alawi


The obligation to give a lesson to the wife is if he starts disobeying and shows nusyuz to his husband. So the husband is obliged to provide lessons, but giving the lesson is carried out in sequence, the first husband must give a warning to the wife gently and subtly like reminding him to fear Allah Almighty, if the wife is obedient again, then just enough there. If it still remains disobedient, then leave the wife alone, leaving her on the bed, not collecting it, especially when her lust peaks. If he is obedient, then it is enough to get there and gather the wife as before. But if it remains, the wife may be ‘beaten’ with a note not too loud and not injured.