Jurnal#6 – H. Asep H I AJurnal#6 – H. Asep H I A

Islamic Education Characters Model Based On Distance Learning Asep Habib Idrus Alawi STAI Shalahudin Al-Ayubi Jakarta Abstract: This research is based on the needs of the Islamic character education model, as the demands of the conditions and situation of education in Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is because the education paradigm in Indonesia makes […]{...}


Jurnal#5 – H. Asep H I AJurnal#5 – H. Asep H I A

KINERJA GURU DAN HUBUNGANNYA DENGAN KUALITAS HASIL BELAJAR SISWA MADRASAH ALIYAH Asep Habib Idrus Alawi Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Shalahuddin Al-Ayyubi Jakarta rianto.msi23@gmail.com Abstract The quality of student learning outcomes becomes a barometer of the success of an educational institution, this quality is closely related to the teacher’s performance and the principal’s leadership style which […]{...}


Jurnal#4 – H. Asep H I AJurnal#4 – H. Asep H I A

PENDIDIKAN PENGUATAN KARAKTER MELALUI PEMBIASAAN AKHLAK MULIA (Studi SD IT Asy Syifa Kota Bandung) Asep Habib Idrus Alawi STAI Shalahuddin Al Ayyubi Jakarta rianto.msi23@gmail.com Abstract Strengthening of the character education constitute of effort is very important for achieving national education goals. The character of education must be instilled early and will be the main foundation […]{...}